
Looking for the perfect match?

Challenge accepted! Visit Central Europe and we will help you find the perfect horse to fit your skills and ambitions. If you do not find what you are looking for in our stable, we will tour you around. Located in Bratislava (Slovakia) we have a great number of horses to show you within a radius of a few hundred km: Vienna (Austria) – approx. 50 km; Budapest (Hungary) – approx. 200 km, Prague (Czech Republic) – approx. 300 km

Here is what we can do for you:

List of Prospects

First, we will prepare a list of relevant prospects to meet your requirements. Videos, pedigrees and PPEs will be sent to you to make a pre-selection prior to your arrival.

Test Rides

Upon your arrival we will keep you busy with test rides scheduled to meet your travel plans.

Travel & Accommodation Arrangements

We will help you plan your trip and make all the necessary arrangements to see as many horses as possible while in the area.


Translation to Slovak, Czech, German or Hungarian will be available throughout your stay. We will make you company to make sure you enjoy your visit.


All of our horses come with the basic set of x-rays as well as PPE. An additional examination can be arranged upon your request.


If you found what you were looking for we will be happy to arrange worldwide shipping to your home country, door-to-door to the horse´s new home.


Practice makes perfect! We school our horses to perform in various disciplines but also help other riders overcome difficulties they face with their own horses.